Thursday, January 2, 2014

Prospect (Pulaski) Park 

A view of the park in the late 1800s.  The original bandstand building where band concerts were held on it's roof can be seen, there's also a cannon on display. To the right the ornamental pump house used to bring water up from a spring in the river embankment can be seen.

Another photo from the late 1800s shows the playground area at the western end of the park. Notice the picket fence that was eventually replaced in the early 1900s by the concrete wall that still stands. 

A view from Pulaski Park in the early 1900s showing the newly constructed Gatehouse and beginning of the first level canal.

A nice view looking west from the Chestnut Street balcony of the park mid 1920s. The second Summit House can be seen atop Mt. Tom. Notice how beautiful the views were from the park, today it's views are obstructed by overgrowth. The lamp posts must have made for a beautiful scene at night. This picture shows the early evening sun shining through the trees.

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